Mission International has just received reports on a major increase in pupils registering at Star School in Rwanda. Word has gotten out that you can become a Star pupil in Rwanda's education system if you attend this school and so many want to be in what will be a galaxy of star students one day.
Rev Amooti:
Rev Nathan Amooti has years of experience in planning, building and running successful schools, from his time in Uganda until now near Kigali, Rwanda's capital city he has plied his 'trade'. Funding from the USA and support from others including Mission International has seen this school go from bare land to a busy working school in less that a year.
Staff committed to school's success:
A high quality team of staff members has been recruited to teach and run the school. This highly motivated team is testament to the respect that the community perceives the new school and their belief that it will succeed in its goals to produce many high level learners who will meet the growing need in Rwanda for a bright workforce.
Container of support:
Mission International is raising funds to send a container of support to Star School, if you would like to contribute to the cost of the container then please click here or to donate items to help the school then please contact us on mail@mission-international.org