The Star School in Rwanda must be the fastest growing development ever, well that's maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but it has developed from a field to an operational school in what seems like no time at all. Much of this 'speed' is due to the drive of Rev Nathan Amooti Rusengo, the director of the school and the brains behind the project.
A new school for a new era in Rwanda:
Mission International is committed to help this school get off to a good start, and to support what is intended to be a centre of excellence as it endeavours to bring in a new era to the nation recovering from is very difficult recent past. As ever funding is limited and the school is in need of resources to make it possible for the children to have the best learning experience that they can. Although the structure is sound and the design is excellent, there is still a need for desks, beds, library books and so on. All the things that a school anywhere in the world will need. Of course in this digital age computers make it close to the top of the list of needs too. Our desire is to raise support for this school and to give the kids there and the staff who teach them the best chance to achieve their goals.
Leaving behind the problems of the past:
Rwanda is now entering a new period in its development. The country has left behind the desperate times of '94 and is looking forward to a period of growth and development unprecedented in its history. Education will play a key part in the new age for Rwanda. Children in the past had few options open to them as they were sent to carry water and work in the fields or around the home. The better off may have managed to serve in a more wealthy house for their bed and board, but education? No education was not an option. Today Rev. Amooti is setting out a vision for the future by building a school of excellence. The Star School will make it possible for children, whose lives have no hope, to begin to think of a future where they and their dynasty can break free, and take hold of a life not locked in to the poverty trap that has controlled their parents and ancestors for generations.
How can you help?
If you would like to help Star School achieve its goals then you can send your support to the school via Mission International. The links that follow will take you to either a one off donation form or one for regular giving, gift aid is also an option.
To download a printable one-off gift form (including gift-aid) click here
To download a printable regular giving form click here
To download a printable Gift-Aid form click here
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